Dinura Dissanayake

Hello, I'm a final year undergraduate at the Department of Computer Engineering
University of Peradeniya.

I'm currently interested in

Checkout my resume.


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Remote Keyboard Tutoring System

The Remote Keyboard Tutoring System is a web-based system that can be attached to any (electronic) keyboard synthesizer through a MIDI connector. Once our system is connected to the keyboard, the user can interactively learn, play or teach in combination with the web application that we provide.
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Improved performance of the Cyclic-Redundancy-Check algorithm by adding a custom instruction to the MIPS ISA of NiosII processor. Implementation of hardware functionality using XOR and shift operations.
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Compiler for Cool Language

The combination of a lexer, parser, semantic analyser, and code generator that can be used to compile programs written in Cool programming language.
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8-bit single cycle processor

The combination of a lexer, parser, semantic analyser, and code generator that can be used to compile programs written in Cool programming language.
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Fractal generator

A tool to display Mandelbrot and Julia sets, for given parameters. Use of multi-threading concepts in generating the images.
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Classical Tick-tact-toe game implementation using Java event handeling and java model view controller architecture(MVC).

Skills & Experience

For over four years now I have been studying through my degree program as well as on my own in various different programming languages and techniques. I have experience in,

  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Embedded programming
  • Full Stac Development
  • Networking


  • 5+ Years of project and coding experience.
  • Algorithms, Machine Learning, Embedded programming


  • 2+ Years of project and coding experience.
  • Algorithms, OOP


  • 2+ Years of project and coding experience.
  • Algorithms, OOP


  • 5+ Years of project and coding experience.


  • 3+ Years of project and coding experience.


  • 2+ Years of project and coding experience.